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Lost cities

Meet lost cities surrounded by mystery, curiosity and legends; that have been intensively studied by archaeologists and scientists; Also considered as ghost cities, many of which have completely disappeared and others of which only a few stones remain; Do not miss it.

Lost cities

Throughout the years of humanity’s existence, cities have been built in extensive and prosperous areas; whose conditions were ideal to provide sustenance to a large number of people; but some of them have completely disappeared.

The reasons for the incidence of this type of event are not clearly determined in some specific cases; but they are part of the lost cities, the ones that abruptly disappeared due to devastating wars, inclement weather and other actions of nature that led to their decline.

For what we find several lost cities in the world, those that go from the mysterious Knossos to the formidable Inca city of Machu Picchu, among some others; get to know them:

Machu Picchu, in Peru

Machu Picchu is a citadel created by the ancient Inca people that is today a meeting point for many travelers; after being discovered by Hiram Bingham in the year 1911.

It is one of the lost cities with which we top our list; the one that remained hidden for many years in the Peruvian jungle; arriving at it, following the Camino del Inca, a 40 km path, completely paved.

It is estimated that it was built in the 15th century as a great Inca city and it is still possible to admire its Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Condor, the Three Windows and other palaces.

Ayutthaya in Thailand

Ayutthaya is another of the lost cities; located north of Bangkok; which for the year 1350 was the capital of the Kingdom of Siam and had a great heyday between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries.

It is a center of commerce and diplomatic spaces, usually frequented within Asia, both by merchants, missionaries, adventurers, monks and other types of travelers.

It is still possible to admire the archaeological remains of this city, represented mostly by temples and stupas, along some 15 km² that are part of the most relevant historical spaces in Thailand.

Chichen Itza in Mexico

A Mayan city that is located 100 kilometers from the city of Mérida in Mexico, provided with an archaeological area of ​​6.2 km² divided into two different architectural zones, one from the 7th century with Puuc Mayan-style structures and the other from the 10th century, with the arrival of the Toltec people.

Tourists admire places such as the Kukulkan pyramid, identified in turn as Castillo, and the Temple of the Warriors, a space known as the Caracol.
Peta in Jordan

City lost in time and ancient home of the Nabateans; popularly known as Ciudad Rosada; In addition to being one of the most popular destinations on the planet.

Just to enter this city it is necessary to follow a 1.5 kilometer gorge known as Siq; with walls 80 meters high. To then admire its buildings carved in stone and a monastery that is on top of this city with amazing views.

Tikal in Guatemala

Tikal is a Mayan city within the heart of the jungle; It was built approximately between the years 200 and 800.

It is estimated that it occupies more than 570 km², on which are its temple of the Great Jaguar, the North Acropolis, the temple of the Masks, some small pyramids and tombs with the remains of noble lords of Tikal.

Knossos in Greece

The city of the Minoan civilization with its greatest splendor at the time of 1600 BC. and provided with a formidable palace, with thousands of rooms, passageways and tunnels; Ideal for mystery lovers.

Its appearance can be appreciated thanks to the fact that this palace was restored by Arthur Evans in the year 1900. It is believed that the city of Knossos was a labyrinth built by King Minos and used to lock up his stepson the Minotaur.

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